
Murkowski: Sanctions Necessary to Send Clear Signal to Iran

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today voted to sanction the Central Bank of Iran and impose restrictions on  foreign financial institutions involved in the sale or purchase of Iranian petroleum products.

The sanctions were added to the National Defense Authorization Act (S.1867)  as an amendment. The amendment, which was cosponsored by Murkowski, passed by a vote of 100 to 0.

“Stricter sanctions are necessary to send a clear signal to Iran that their aspirations of developing a nuclear weapon will not be tolerated by peace loving people,” Murkowski said. “If the administration is concerned about the price of oil, it should be taking steps to expedite production of our own vast resources here at home.”

The United Nations’ International Atomic Energy Agency last month reported that Iran was moving ahead with its nuclear weapons program. Murkowski was one of 92 senators who asked the Obama administration to impose sanctions against the Central Bank of Iran in August.

“No country should be allowed to hold global security hostage over oil supplies,” said Murkowski, the ranking member on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee.

