
Murkowski Responds to Anvik Crash

Yesterday, a small plane carrying teachers crashed on the way to Anvik.  Long-time teacher, 52 year old Julia Walker, and 66 year old pilot Ernest Chase both died in the crash.  The other four passengers on the flight sustained injuries but are recovering in Anchorage. Senator Murkowski responded to the news:

"I am grief-stricken to hear the news of Julia Walker and Ernest Chase. It is difficult to think of two things more crucial to rural Alaska than teachers and pilots.  Pilots connect villages to the rest of the state and teachers create a brighter future by inspiring the next generation of Alaskans.

"These two valuable citizens devoted their time, energy and heart to serving the communities they loved. It will take a long time to process the loss of two valuable citizens who died in the cause of education. I ask educators and students to honor their lives through an even greater commitment to this new school year.

"Let us mourn for them; but this year, let's also learn for them."


