
Murkowski Releases Statement on President Trump’s National Security Team

Senate Confirms Secretary of Defense, Secretary of Homeland Security, and CIA Director

Today Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) released the following statement after the nominees for Secretary of Defense, Secretary of Homeland Security, and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director were confirmed by the Senate with overwhelmingly bipartisan support:

“The Senate is back to work, confirming three members of the new administration’s national security team – Secretary of Defense Mattis, Secretary of Homeland Security Kelly, and CIA Director Pompeo – with more to come. It is a critical responsibility of the Senate to make sure that those who are working to protect our nation are moved through the confirmation process. I look forward to working with each of these highly qualified individuals to leverage Alaska’s strategic and national security advantages for our country.”

Background: On Friday, January 20th the Senate voted to confirm General James Mattis to be Secretary of Defense and General John Kelly to be Secretary of Homeland Security. On Monday, January 23rd the Senate voted to confirm Congressman Mike Pompeo as CIA Director.

Related Issues: Defense