
Murkowski Reflects on Importance of Independence Day

Today Senator Lisa Murkowski shared her reflections on the meaning of Independence Day with Alaskans saying:

“On July 4th, 1776, 56 men put their signature on the Declaration of Independence to put a stop to the King of England’s unjust policies and move toward a new age of freedom and liberty.  As we celebrate the actions of those individuals, it’s important to remember they did not act alone.  Our young nation was filled with men and women who supported them to make a permanent mark in history.  It is this vibrant spirit that continues to live on among Americans today.”

“Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  Over two hundred years later, we have all known these words to be some of our most highly valued principles. However, during our country’s Colonial period, these ideas were considered radical.  It took a difficult, hard-fought revolution to achieve these freedoms.

“Today, I encourage every Alaskan to take a moment to reflect on the ideals that formed our nation and continue to set us apart from the rest of the world.

“The liberties we enjoy today are never without challenge, as we all know.  There are thousands of Americans proudly serving our nation, facing danger, and protecting the liberties that we stand for.  They are fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, friends, and loved ones who take a stand to guard our nation against threats.  This means an empty space at the dinner table, birthday parties missed, and lost time with those closest to us.   I thank the families who bear the burden of war with these absences. We must also honor our veterans who have served and sacrificed to secure the life our forefathers envisioned for us. Today we also remember those who have paid the ultimate price for our freedom.

“As we celebrate this important day, I ask Alaskans to do so responsibly.  When you go outdoors, remember the very dry summer we are having and please abide by the local restrictions that have been put in place for our safety.

“Every day, but especially on this Independence Day, I am honored to represent the great state of Alaska in the United States Senate.  May God continue to bless America.”