
Murkowski Recognizes Legislative Wins in Continuing Resolution

CHIP 6 Year Extension, Cadillac Tax Delay

President Trump signed a short-term spending bill this week that will fund the government through February 8, 2018. In addition to ending a three day-long government shutdown, the continuing resolution makes legislative strides by reauthorizing the Children’s Health Insurance Program or CHIP for six years and suspending three Affordable Care Act taxes and fees. The taxes on medical devices and health insurance issuers are now delayed until 2020 and the Cadillac Tax is delayed until 2022. The Cadillac Tax is a 40 percent tax on the value of employer-sponsored health coverage that exceeds certain benefit thresholds.

“More than 17,700 of Denali KidCare enrollees depend on the Children’s Health Insurance Program, CHIP. I was proud to cosponsor the reauthorization of this program which gives Alaska’s most vulnerable children the security they deserve. And while this is not a permanent solution, I am proud to say it’s the longest extension the program has ever had,” said Senator Murkowski. “We’re also delaying the implementation of the ACA’s so-called Cadillac tax, which will give Alaskan employers, who would have been hit hardest by this tax penalty, much needed time to address the impact of this tax on their health care plans. Simply put, this Continuing Resolution was crucial because it ended a government shutdown, something that should have never happened, but it’s also important to recognize the other legislative wins that the bill contains that will provide relief to so many people.”

Click here for Senator Murkowski’s statement on the Senate’s successful passage Monday of the Continuing Resolution to end the government shutdown.

“We applaud the reauthorization of the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). This funding protects health coverage for nearly 18,000 Alaska children who are enrolled in Denali Kid Care. Senator Murkowski is a strong advocate for the Children’s Health Insurance Program, and we are thankful for her leadership in passing this reauthorization.” – Alaska Governor Bill Walker

“The Alaska Chamber is grateful for the hard work of the Congressional Delegation in securing a delay in the Cadillac Tax which especially hurts businesses and hardworking Alaskans. The Cadillac Tax penalizes employers for providing good healthcare for their employees. This has been a long standing priority of the Alaska Chamber and we appreciate the leadership of the Congressional Delegation in providing relief to so many Alaskans.” – Alaska Chamber President and CEO, Curtis Thayer

The Alaska Chamber, a private, non-profit corporation, works to promote a positive business environment in Alaska. The Chamber is the voice of small and large businesses, representing hundreds of enterprises, manufactures and local chambers from across Alaska. The Alaska Chamber’s member companies employ over 100,000 hard-working Alaskans.