
Murkowski: President Obama’s Budget Address Will “Lose America”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Lisa Murkowski today responded to President Barack Obama’s address intended to address the nation’s spending and long-term debt.

“The President’s debt commission submitted its report in December. Representative Ryan released his plan last week.  I’m glad that President Obama has joined the conversation about America’s economic future, but his timing makes me question his motivation,” said Murkowski.  “If we’re going to tackle the problem, we need to be working together towards a common goal – not merely reacting to political opponents.”

“President Obama’s ‘solution’ consisted of four main ideas,” she added. “First, let’s spend more before we make cuts.  Second, cut the Pentagon’s budget – without getting into specifics. Third, reap some saving from health care.  Lastly, and most thoroughly, he laid out a way to raise taxes on the highest earners. He wants to win the future, but he’s going to lose America with this proposal.”


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