
Murkowski: “Let’s Tackle This Problem Head On”

Senator Votes Against the Short Term American Jobs Act, Wants Long Term Action

Washington, dc – Senator Lisa Murkowski today voted against proceeding to Senate bill S. 1660, the American Jobs Act, and issued the following statement after she cast her vote:

“I voted against proceeding with the American Jobs Act because it is not the solid, comprehensive plan that our country needs.  Even the Treasury Secretary has said that of the over 14 million Americans presently unemployed, the bill will help only 7 percent find work.

“I understand the fear and frustration of Americans who want to see job creation, but the so-called American Jobs Act is not a solution for real and meaningful growth.  The further extension of unemployment benefits helps people through difficult times, but it does not create a single job.  Extending and expanding the social security payroll tax cut may help those already employed, but does not create long-term job opportunities – and it takes from our social security fund stream.  Paying teachers’ salaries protects jobs from being cut, but it’s also spending federal dollars for what has historically been a state responsibility.”

“The price tag on the American Jobs Act is $447 billion dollars for a 13-month plan that will take 9 to 10 years to pay off with the Democrats’ 5.6% surtax that could hit 4 out of every 5 business owners.

“Instead, I believe in a long-term, responsible approach to get us on solid footing. That’s why I am standing with 41 Senators – on both sides of the aisle – to push for a solid path for our country’s economic future in the form of pro-growth tax reform.  It’s why I’ve support patent reform and highway bill and FAA extensions and will vote for three free trade agreements this week.  That’s why I advocate for regulatory reform and lawsuit reform.

“It’s time to stop kicking the can.  Let’s tackle this problem head on.”
