
Murkowski Lauds Title IX on 40th Anniversary

Senator’s Resolution to Commemorate the Law’s Positive Impacts Passes Unanimously

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Lisa Murkowski today joined 35 Senate colleagues in saluting Title IX – the law that leveled the educational playing field for women and girls – as it nears its 40th Anniversary this weekend.  Murkowski co-sponsored the bipartisan resolution which passed unanimously moments ago.

The resolution (S. Res. 500) touts the law and its accomplishments, spotlighting that:

  • “Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in the administration of any education program receiving Federal financial assistance, including sports, and bars sexual and sex-based harassment, discrimination against pregnant and parenting students, and the use of stereotypes and other barriers to limit a person’s access to a particular educational field.”
  • “Title IX has increased educational opportunities for women and girls, including their access to professional schools and nontraditional fields of study.”
  • “Title IX has increased opportunities for women and girls in sports, leading to greater access to competitive sports and building strong values such as teamwork, leadership, discipline, work ethic, self-sacrifice, pride in accomplishment, and strength of character.”
