
Murkowski Lauds Successful Missile Test

Senator: Alaska Continues to Play Key Role in Pacific Theater

Senator Lisa Murkowski today congratulated the Missile Defense Agency for its successful missile test conducted over the Pacific Ocean, which will may lead to expanded missile investments at Alaska’s Fort Greely:

“Today’s successful test spotlights Alaska's continued strategic relevance in the Pacific theater.  The test shows that we have turned the corner on technical issues with the GMD intercept vehicle and are moving forward to a new chapter in our nation’s vital ballistic missile defense capabilities. The success makes it more likely that additional intercept vehicles will be stationed at Fort Greely – something I will continue to strongly support through the appropriations process. Growth at Fort Greely, along with the introduction of the Long Range Discrimination Radar to Alaska in the near future, will bring a significant boost to the state economy and secure Alaska’s strategic importance.

“I congratulate the Missile Defense Agency leadership and all their researchers, scientists and technicians for ironing out the technical issues that caused past failures, and look forward to working with them to expand Fort Greely’s capabilities and leverage Alaska’s strategic location for the protection of our entire nation.”

Earlier this month, Senator Murkowski questioned Missile Defense Agency Director Vice Admiral James Syring about his assessment for the upcoming test.  Syring laid out a range of scenarios for the exercise, while expressing optimism that they had resolved technical issues.

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