
Murkowski, Klobuchar Reintroduce Bill to Support Individuals Living with FASD

Washington, DC – U.S. Senators Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) and Amy Klobuchar (D-Minnesota) reintroduced the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) Respect Act of 2025, legislation which reauthorizes programs and funding to aid individuals and families impacted by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders.

“We made significant progress on this bill in the 118th Congress, and we were close to getting this legislation across the finish line. That momentum has only motivated Senator Klobuchar and I to work even harder to reauthorize this critical bill,” said Senator Murkowski. “Preventing and mitigating the risks posed by FASD requires comprehensive education, support, and intervention programs. Ensuring communities have access to these resources has the potential to make a genuine difference in the lives of families across Alaska.”

“Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders affects at least one in 20 people in the U.S., and too many lack access to diagnosis, treatment, and support services,” Senator Klobuchar said. “Our bill will renew federal resources for programs that support evidence-based services for families that need access care and help put impacted children on the best path forward towards a successful future.”

“I first became aware of FASD over 2 ½ decades ago while serving as Minnesota's First Lady and a Juvenile Court judicial officer,” said Susan Shepard Carlson, FASD United Board Chair.  Many youths from families with long substance use histories were failing and not responding to traditional interventions. It became clear then and is still true today that our systems of care are failing this population by not recognizing and/or understanding their FASD complex needs. As a country, we can and should do so much better for those with an FASD and their families. The FASD Respect Act will bring much-needed focus and resources to systemically address this huge societal problem. The FASD community thanks the Senate sponsors for leading the charge to enact this much-needed bipartisan FASD legislation.”

“Thanks to the determined efforts of Senators Murkowski and Klobuchar we have a bill that balances ongoing research and public health with vital, overdue direct assistance benefiting children and adults living with FASD. A bill that all lawmakers can support and one that respects and ranks first the needs of a grateful and deserving FASD community,” said Tom Donaldson, CEO of FASD United.

The FASD Respect Act of 2025:

  • Reauthorizes federal FASD programs by directing the Secretary of Health and Human Services to establish or continue a comprehensive FASD prevention, identification, intervention, and services delivery program which may include:
    • Educational and public awareness programs for professionals in systems of care
    • Developing and expanding screening and diagnostic capacity for FASD
    • Research on FASD as appropriate
    • Building State and Tribal capacity for the identification, treatment, and support of individuals with FASD and their families
  • Establishes Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Centers for Excellence to build local, Tribal, State, and national capacities to prevent the occurrence of FASD and other related adverse conditions, and to respond to the needs of individuals with FASD and their families. These Centers may:
  • Develop and support public awareness and outreach activities
  • Act as a clearinghouse for evidence-based resources on FASD prevention, identification, and culturally aware best practices
  • Disseminate ongoing research and developing resources on FASD to help inform systems of care for individuals with FASD across their lifespan.
  • Increase awareness and understanding of evidence-based FASD screening tools and culturally- and linguistically appropriate evidence-based intervention services and best practices across systems of care
  • Improve capacity for State, Tribal, and local affiliates dedicated to FASD awareness, prevention, and identification and family and individual support programs and services (technical assistance provided by FASD Center of Excellence).
