
Murkowski Introduces Strategic Energy and Minerals Initiative

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) introduced the Strategic Energy and Minerals Initiative (SEMI) Act, which enables U.S. companies to better compete in global markets by promoting the responsible, domestic production of oil, gas, and minerals. The bill positions the United States to compete in global energy and critical mineral markets by supporting an all-of-the-above energy strategy, pushing back against multilateral development banks restricting fossil fuel and coal development, and promoting energy and mineral exports.

“As a resource development state, Alaska has immense potential at a national and global scale. But, despite our desire to bring domestic resources to market, we are unnecessarily relying on foreign countries such as China and Russia to meet our oil, gas, and mineral needs. By allowing ourselves to remain dependent on other nations, we are missing opportunities to strengthen America’s national security and nationwide economy. My legislation, the SEMI Act, is a common sense approach to strengthening our domestic energy and critical minerals supply,” said Senator Murkowski. “America has the highest labor and environmental standards in the world. Capitalizing on the resources we have in our own backyard will allow us to create jobs, generate new revenue, and strengthen our geopolitical posture, while at the same time working to protect the environment.”


Senator Murkowski has worked diligently to drive policy initiatives to create greater opportunities for America’s domestic energy and critical mineral markets. Senator Murkowski delivered a speech on the U.S. Senate floor expressing concern with the direction of the Biden administration with regards to energy security, citing detrimental actions such as placing additional federal lands and waters off limits. During her speech she discussed concerns over America’s dependence on foreign nations to meet our resource needs, stressed the importance of allowing responsible resource development in the United States, and announced her intent to introduce the SEMI Act. Recognizing that permitting times in the U.S. rank among some of the longest in the world, in April 2021, Murkowski introduced legislation to improve the quality and timeliness of Federal permitting and review processes with respect to critical mineral production on Federal land.