
Murkowski in Favor of Funding Bill

“Our Responsibility Is To Govern”

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) released the following statement regarding her support on passing the Continuing Resolution (CR) currently before Congress, to provide short-term government funding. Current funding expires Friday, January 19. 

“It is absolutely irresponsible to shut down the government. A Continuing Resolution is never ideal and is not the way to run a government, but this short-term fix is the best option we have in front of us, right now. The ripple effect of a government shutdown has consequences for all Alaskans and most directly on the many federal employees and thousands more that rely on our federal agencies. These are real people and real families that are depending on us. Our responsibility is to govern.  We need to get our work done and do it quickly. We need to pass this CR and avoid shutting down the government.”