
Murkowski Honors America’s Veterans Across Alaska and at Arlington Cemetery

Senator Works for Veterans Year Round Through Honor, Service and Actions

WASHINGTON, DC – Senator Lisa Murkowski today participated in the National Veterans Day Commemoration, held at Arlington National Cemetery – the culmination of a month of honoring and serving Alaska’s veteran community in state, as well an extended period of legislative actions in Congress benefitting men and women nationwide who defended the country in conflicts abroad.

Senator Murkowski Speaks About the Solemnity of Veterans Day at Arlington Cemetery

(Click image for link to video)

The only U.S. Senator in attendance, Murkowski was able to directly speak with Veterans Affairs Director Eric Shinseki for a few moments to discuss his progress in Alaska, and how she is encouraging President Obama to keep him in his position.

While the United States Senate had a recess prior to the elections, Senator Murkowski and her staff made the most of her time in Alaska to Honor and Serve Alaskan vets.


Welcoming Home the 4-25th: Senator Murkowski was on hand in November 2011 to wish the 4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team (Airborne) 25th Infantry Division good luck and safety when the unit deployed to Afghanistan.  A year later on November 1st, she was there to join their families and friends to officially welcome the Spartans home. During the unit’s deployment, Senator Murkowski also met with many of the spouses of soldiers to ensure they were receiving the support they needed.

Senator Murkowski talks with the Spartans of the 4-25th after their redeployment ceremony

Honoring Alaska’s Heroes in the Sky: Senator Murkowski attended the Alaska Air National Guard 212th Rescue Squadron Distinguished Flying Cross award ceremony on November 3, 2012.  SMSgt Christopher Widener, MSgt Brandon Stuemke and SSgt Aaron Parcha were all honored for distinguishing themselves in support of operations by heroism or extraordinary achievement while participating in aerial flight in 2010.

Sen. Murkowski congratulates SSgt Aaron Parcha after he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross

The Veteran Spotlight Series: Every month, Senator Lisa Murkowski focuses on an Alaskan who defended our nation in wartime, to honor and draw well-deserved attention to Alaska’s men and women who served.  These interviews are featured in the Alaska Veterans Museum, in Alaska Public Schools – and in the Library of Congress’ Veterans History Project.

Recent Alaskan veterans who shared their stories on the Veteran Spotlight series


Stand Down For Veterans: Last week, Senator Murkowski’s office joined the Stand Down for Veterans Event, where hundreds of Alaskan veterans received help getting work, clothes or government services they need and deserve.  The session opened with a rousing rendition of “Proud to be an American.”

Click image for link to video

2012 Hiring Our Heroes Job Fair: Just this past Friday, Senator Murkowski made sure her staff was ‘open for business’ and ready to help veterans navigate the many opportunities available at the job fair held at the University Center in Anchorage.  There are 690,000 unemployed veterans nationwide, and Senator Murkowski is committed to giving back to those who gave of themselves.

Senator Murkowski’s staff participating in the Hiring Heroes Job Fair

Additionally, Senator Murkowski’s daily Actions to help Alaskan vets and former military men and women in action nationwide have paid off through major legislative successes and policy changes.


Veterans Health Care Availability in Rural Alaska: After years of pressuring the Veterans Administration through actions like a 2007 Senate field hearing to work with the available health care facilities in rural Alaska – and not force them to fly to Anchorage or even further to Seattle – Senator Murkowski greeted news that the VA had reached an agreement with Native health care clinics nearby.

Murkowski/Murray Hiring Heroes Act – Senator Murkowski introduced bipartisan legislation requiring broad job skills training for all service members returning home, as well as teaching how military skills transfer to the private sector.  The Senate passed an amendment that incorporated many of the ideas contained in the bill.