
Murkowski: Have the USCGC Healy Clear a Path For Fuel to Nome

WASHINGTON, D.C. –Senator Murkowski today reached out to United States Coast Guard Admiral Papp, requesting that he make full use of the United States Coast Guard Cutter Healy’s capabilities to clear an ice block outside the Port of Nome that is preventing the city from receiving a full winter’s supply of fuel.

In a letter written today, the Senator acknowledged the Coast Guard’s heroic missions during the course of last month’s massive winter storm.  After giving the Coast Guard full credit for all their accomplishments, she asked for one more contribution for the people in the region:

“It has come to my attention that the CGC Healy has entered Nome on a return port call and in doing so has broken a course through the ice for marine traffic. While I am sure the officers and crew of the CGC Healy are anxious to return home to Seattle, I ask that you use the CGC Healy and other assets available to assist the people of western Alaska with any fuel or supply shortages they face, if possible.”

Senator Murkowski’s letter to Admiral Papp is attached.

