
Murkowski Fighting to “Alaskanize” No Child Left Behind

Senator Offering Fixes to Flawed Policy During Reauthorization This Week

Washington, dc – Senator Lisa Murkowski is introducing two bills today in advance of a committee markup session to make needed changes for Alaska to No Child Left Behind – as the law is being reauthorized by the U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, on which she sits.

“I am glad that [HELP Committee] Chairman Harkin wants to make long-overdue changes to improve No Child Left Behind,” said Senator Murkowski.  “After hearing from Alaskan educators with their ideas to make sure NCLB works to educate our state’s future leaders, I’m suggesting legislation to Alaskanize No Child Left Behind.”

In order to improve and strengthen No Child Left Behind, in August Senator Murkowski introduced the Early Intervention for Graduation Success Act to improve high school graduation rates, and today will introduce two more bills:

  • The School Accountability Improvements Act would remove several burdensome regulations that don't work in Alaska, and
  • The Educational Accountability and State Flexibility Act would ensure that school improvement efforts are fair, appropriate and effective.

“It’s essential to fix the one-size-fits-all Washington-based mandates that don't fit our state's unique needs – in order to make sure not only that every Alaskan child has access to an excellent education, but that there is accountability for taxpayer dollars spent in our schools."
The Committee will begin work on Wednesday, October 19th to make changes to a bill written by Senator Harkin. Senator Murkowski has received wide support, both in Alaska and across the country for her efforts to improve NCLB.
