
Murkowski Efforts Help Bring Fresh Produce to Alaskans In Need

Fruits and Vegetables to be Distributed to Food Banks Nationwide

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Department of Agriculture today announced they are allocating existing funds to purchase fruit and vegetables for those in need, following a bipartisan effort spearheaded by Senator Lisa Murkowski, Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) and 23 of their colleagues in August.  The produce will be distributed to needy families under The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP). Murkowski was the lead Republican on an August letter (attached) and commends the decision by the USDA.

“The need for emergency food assistance has outpaced the supply at a difficult economic time for Alaskans and Americans,” said Murkowski. “Providing food banks and their partners with a healthier, wider inventory to help meet the nutritional needs in many Alaskan communities is a good thing. This decision will not only help feed more Alaskans, but it will help them eat more of the right food.”

Some products to be purchased under this decision include tart cherries, apples, cranberries, fresh tomatoes, wild blueberries and raisins. Senator Murkowski looks forward to seeing Alaskans benefit from the increase in healthy TEFAP food products being distributed via local food banks and their partners. 

Mary Sullivan, Director of the Food Bank of Alaska said "We are very grateful for the leadership of Senator Murkowski on hunger issues. This is great news for Alaska and great news for all the food banks in Alaska offering TEFAP."

(Senator Murkowski visits the Food Bank of Alaska, helps packs boxes before Thanksgiving 2013)

(Senator Murkowski visits the Food Pantry of Wasilla, August 2013)