
Murkowski Criticizes Administration’s “Blind Eye” on Benghazi Attack

Senator: Report Shows Americans Needlessly Died at the Hands of Terrorists

Senator Lisa Murkowski today had the following response to the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report concluding that the terrorist attack of the Benghazi Consulate in 2012 that resulted in the death of United States Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans was “preventable”: 

“I am angrier and sadder than ever at the Senate’s report finding that the Benghazi attack was avoidable and that Americans needlessly died at the hands of terrorists.  The fact that this administration chose to turn a blind eye, see no evil and not add heightened security amid an obvious surge in terrorist activity is a black mark, and no reforms or reconsiderations will bring back the four lives lost.” 

Senator Murkowski has been extremely concerned at the shifting narratives surround this event – watching this story develop since the attack on September 11, 2012. In October 2012, she said she was outraged at the “empty explanations from senior administration officials who cannot or will not explain why things went wrong.”