
Murkowski Congratulates Ft. Yukon Elder for Presidential Citizens Medal

Clarence Lee Alexander Chosen for Second Highest Civilian Honor

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Sen. Lisa Murkowski today made the following comment after receiving news that Fort Yukon’s Clarence Lee Alexander will receive the Presidential Citizens Medal -- the second highest civilian honor from President Obama next week, for his contributions to his community:

“I am proud that one of our very own Alaskans is the recipient of such a prestigious award.  It reminds me of the famous Margaret Mead quote ~ Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has.  Congratulations Clarence on your achievement.”

The White House announcement has this to say of Clarence Lee Alexander:

Sometimes called the “grandfather of tribal government” in Alaska for his long-held role as Chief of Fort Yukon, Clarence Alexander has done extensive work cleaning up the Yukon River, resulting in closure of numerous open-burning dumps and the removal or recycling of millions pounds of waste. Alexander is former Grand Chief of the Gwich’in people of Alaska.  Alexander receives the Citizens Medal for demonstrating how much good a dedicated leader can accomplish.

Senator Murkowski visited Ft. Yukon this past April, where she met with Ft. Yukon’s City Council.  Below is a picture featuring Senator Murkowski (third from left) and Chief Alexander (far right).

