
Murkowski Condemns President’s Veto of National Defense Bill

With the countless threats facing our nation from all corners of the globe, I can’t believe the President would be willing to put our security at risk

Today U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski denounced President Obama’s veto of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), legislation that would protect our homeland and support our troops and their families.

“The President’s veto today of this bipartisan bill is deeply disappointing. Our servicemembers and their families deserve our unqualified support and they should never be used as a pawn in the President’s political game,” said Senator Murkowski. “This major defense bill not only was designed to keep this nation safe from our enemies, but it also provides support from our troops, military retirees, and their families. With the countless threats facing our nation from all corners of the globe, I can’t believe the President would be willing to put our security at risk just to make a point.”

Background: The president’s veto of NDAA comes after the Senate passed the legislation in a vote of 70-27 on October 7, 2015. Senator Murkowski voted in favor of the bill. If the President had signed the defense bill into law, it would have been the 54th consecutive year that Congress and the Administration came together on a defense bill.