
Murkowski Concerned by “Troubling” FDA Advancement on Frankenfish

I Don’t Believe These Fish Should Be Approved”

WASHINGTON, DC – Senator Lisa Murkowski today responded to the Food and Drug Administration [FDA] environmental assessment decision to move forward into the public comment period on genetically-modified fish against her warnings and those of hundreds of watchdogs:

(Murkowski: FDA ignoring the opposition of fishing groups, 300 organizations.)

“I am concerned with the recent news that FDA is moving forward with the approval of genetically modified fish.  This is especially troubling as the agency is ignoring the opposition by salmon and fishing groups, as well as more than 300 environmental, consumer and health organizations.

“I offered an amendment to bring NOAA (video below) into the process of approving genetically modified fish, and while that amendment was not successful, we identified some new allies in our fight and provided some good information to Senators about concerns with the FDA’s process.  I just don’t believe these fish should be approved.”


(Senator Murkowski fights “Frankenfish” with her proposed amendment, May—CLICK to watch.)

 Senator Murkowski is determined to build consensus in the United States Senate to fight the advancement of this unproven technology through all available Congressional means.