
Murkowski Comments on FAA Agreement

Short Term Extension Through Mid September Agreed To

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Lisa Murkowski released the following statement after a short-term agreement between the Senate and House of Representatives was reached to extend FAA authorization:

“I am pleased that Congress was able to come to an agreement on a FAA extension.  This compromise puts thousands of Americans back to work, including 79 Alaskans, and puts vital airport improvement projects back on track.   Congress needs to work toward a long-term FAA authorization bill, which is important for the safety of our skies and health of our transportation system. I will continue to work with my colleagues to finish this bill and assure important air benefits for all Alaskans.”

In the past few months Sen. Murkowski has been actively engaged in the FAA extension discussions; most recently on July 22nd she joined fellow Senate General Aviation Caucus member Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT) in sending a letter to their Senate colleagues urging them to support an FAA extension: http://1.usa.gov/qVVzlU