
Murkowski Comments on Additional F-22 Raptors Headed for Elmendorf

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today welcomed news of the Air Force’s announced intention to transfer six additional F-22 Raptors and 102 personnel to Elmendorf Air Force Base as part of a larger national realignment of F-22 assets.

“After a rigorous and objective selection process, the Air Force has determined that it is in our nation’s security interest to bring an additional six F-22 Raptors to Elmendorf. This decision confirms that Alaska continues to be one of the most strategic places in the world for military basing. It also acknowledges the quality and morale of the airmen stationed at Elmendorf, which this year holds the title of “best base in the Air Force.”

“As we begin the grieving process following the tragic crash of the C-17 and the loss of our four patriotic airmen last evening, we’re reminded that the vital air defense mission at Elmendorf continues. Today’s announcement is a fitting tribute to those who gave their lives last night while performing the mission they loved. It reminds us that there is light even in our darkest days.”

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