
Murkowski Comment on Transfer of Rock Creek Mine to Bering Straits Native Corp.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today congratulated the Bering Straits Native Corp. on its purchase of the Rock Creek Mine, outside of Nome, from NovaGold Resources.

“The Bering Straits Native Corp. should be applauded for taking steps to develop the economy of the Nome region and create jobs for its shareholders,” Murkowski said. “Resource extraction is often a job done by Outside companies, who take the lion’s share of the profits out of Alaska. It’s refreshing to see a potential mine project be locally owned, where it can provide the greatest benefit to Alaskans.”

Bering Straits is evaluating whether operations at the mine can be restarted. Bering Straits is also negotiating with NovaGold Resources to buy the Alaska Gold Co., which in addition to owning the Rock Creek Mine also owns the Big Hurrah mining claim. 

