
Murkowski Commends DOE’s Commitment to Advancing Nuclear Energy in the United States

U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today released the following statement after the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) released its report outlining a number of activities to renew our nation’s nuclear energy capabilities.

“I welcome this report, which outlines key steps to move forward on nuclear energy. In order for the United States to have a viable nuclear energy industry and actually compete with countries like China and Russia, who are charging ahead, we need to step up. Expanding the global reach of American energy requires a robust strategy that includes government-backed financing and diplomatic agreements. The Department of Energy’s report outlines the comprehensive approach we need, building on initial steps taken in research and providing a pathway for demonstration and deployment,” Murkowski said. 

Murkowski has long advocated that advanced nuclear can and will play a critical role in providing reliable, flexible, emissions-free energy in the U.S. and around the world. That requires a healthy nuclear industry capable of designing and deploying the most advanced reactor concepts in the world at a competitive price. The report includes language reflecting several initiatives Murkowski has led, including:

  • Support for the National Reactor Innovation Center and the Versatile Test Reactor, as authorized in the Nuclear Energy Innovation Capabilities Act (NEICA);
  • Support the development and demonstration of advanced reactors, as well as the High Assay, Low Enriched Uranium needed to power them, as included in the Nuclear Energy Leadership Act (NELA);
  • Demonstrating small modular reactors and microreactors for remote and defense purposes such as military bases in Alaska; and
  • Ensuring nuclear energy is eligible for U.S. international financing, as pushed for in the Strategic Energy Initiative.

Murkowski is Chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee.

Related Issues: Energy