
Murkowski Commends Alyeska on Leadership Award

Company Recognized for Sustainable and Ethical Business Practices for Sixth Year Running

U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today congratulated Alyeska Pipeline Service Company, which operates the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS), after the Ethisphere Institute chose it as one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies for the sixth straight year. The award honors companies around the world for their leadership in establishing high standards of ethical behavior and for their engagement on issues such as corporate citizenship, diversity, measurable values-based leadership, and transparency in governance.

 “For the sixth consecutive year, Alyeska has been recognized for its leadership in setting the gold standard for good business practices,” Murkowski said. “Alyeska is a true Alaskan company, which is evident by its knack for innovating, its ongoing commitment to safety and reliability, and its dedication to being a good neighbor to local communities. I am proud that Alyeska has again been recognized as an industry leader, and congratulate all of its employees on this great achievement.”

 Alyeska was formed in 1970 and operates TAPS, an 800-mile long engineering marvel that transports oil from the North Slope to port in Valdez. The company is headed by retired Coast Guard Admiral Thomas Barrett, who has served as president of Alyeska since 2011.

 Murkowski is the chairman of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.

Related Issues: Energy