
Murkowski Commemorates 24th Elizabeth Peratrovich Day

Senator: Few Names Exemplify Such Timeless Impact and Progress

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Lisa Murkowski today offered the following statement in advance of Elizabeth Peratrovich Day, which takes place in Alaska tomorrow:

EP Day

(Click HERE to watch video message)

“This weekend, the State of Alaska will once again gather to celebrate one of our greatest civil rights activists and female leaders, Elizabeth Peratrovich. As many Alaskans know, there are few names in our history that exemplify timeless impact and progress more so than Elizabeth.”

“Elizabeth and her husband Roy, Tlingits from Southeast, Alaska are considered by many the driving force behind our state’s first antidiscrimination law. It was Elizabeth, the “fighter with the velvet gloves,” who in 1945 so eloquently spoke to the Alaska Territorial Senate, to the progress necessary for overcoming discrimination towards Alaska Natives. Now mind you, this was all before Alaska statehood, and long before Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s passionate speech for equality on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.”

“This Saturday, February 16th, I invite you to join in the celebration of the 24th Elizabeth Peratrovich Day. As schools, cultural centers, and museums throughout our state honor the legacy and the lives of both Elizabeth and Roy Peratrovich, let us remember the significant impact that these two had on our great state and the fight they endeavored even before so many others thought was possible. Thanks so very much.”
