
Murkowski Co-Sponsors Nuclear Weapon Free Iran Act

Senator Backs “Consequences” if Joint Plan of Action Breached or Final Agreement not Reached

WASHINGTON, DC. – Senator Lisa Murkowski has joined 27 of her Senate colleagues to back and co-sponsor the bipartisan Nuclear Weapon Free Iran Act, proposing severe new sanctions on Iran should the regime violate the interim Joint Plan of Action agreed to in Geneva or should Iran fail to reach a final agreement.

The prospective sanctions legislation requires further reductions in purchases of Iranian petroleum and applies additional penalties to strategic elements of the Iranian economy, to include the engineering, mining and construction sectors.

“When someone decides to not abide by an agreement or comply with rules they have signed onto, there are consequences – whether it’s a car loan contract or an international agreement” said Senator Murkowski.  “All this bill does is protect American interests and add teeth to the deal negotiated by the administration, so that we have a response planned if Iran’s leaders go back on their word – and provides additional motivation for the Iranian people to continue conversations with the international community.”

The bill also would give the Administration continued flexibility and up to one year from the conclusion of an implementing agreement to pursue a diplomatic track resulting in the complete and verifiable termination of Iran’s illicit nuclear weapons program.