
Murkowski Celebrates Elizabeth Peratrovich Day

Senator: Peratrovich Exemplified Well-Behaved Women Can Make History

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In honor of Elizabeth Peratrovich Day, Senator Lisa Murkowski shared the following reflection with her fellow Alaskans:

“Elizabeth Peratrovich is an iconic Alaskan figure because of her poise and vision. She is remembered as one of the greatest civil rights activists and female leaders we have ever known. Where Rosa Parks changed the face of history by simply telling a bus driver ‘No,” Elizabeth gained lasting change in Alaska decades earlier by reminding the Alaska state legislature, calmly, that the Bill of Rights ensures all Americans’ equality.

“But just as meaningful as what Elizabeth Peratrovich accomplished is how she accomplished it.  Compared to the year 2012, when we are faced with rancor and vitriol, Peratrovich stood there in 1945 and made her point with calm nobility. Laurel Ulrich once wrote that “well-behaved women seldom made history.”  But Elizabeth Peratrovich is a role model for all Alaskans for finding the peace within her to change the course of our state’s history with quiet dignity.”
