
Murkowski Casts Vote Against Buffett Rule

Senator Frustrated Senate Not Discussing Jobs, Energy Costs

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Lisa Murkowski today voted against taking up the “Buffett Tax” bill and shared the following statement after her vote:

“It’s extremely frustrating that as most Americans struggle to fill up their gas tank, heat their home or find work, they see the U.S. Senate taking a vote that does nothing to address those priorities.

“America needs to come to grips with our fiscal situation, but through comprehensive, bipartisan tax reform – the same approach recommended by the President’s own Simpson-Bowles commission.

“Now that this vote is past, I hope we can get to work on improving Americans’ energy security and job security. As I said before the Easter recess when we tried to hike taxes on a single industry, thoughtful policymaking does not consist of pitting business sectors or groups against one another.”
