
Murkowski, Begich Laud Judiciary Vote For Christen, Gleason

Alaskan Nominations Head to Senate Floor for Final Confirmation

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Senate Judiciary Committee today approved the nominations of Alaska Supreme Court Justice Morgan Christen and Alaska Superior Court Presiding Judge Sharon Gleason in a unanimous, bipartisan voice vote. The nominations now head to the U.S. Senate floor for a final confirmation vote.

“I’m optimistic that today’s vote is a clear signal of momentum for these candidacies and, very soon, Justice Christen and Judge Gleason will be the first Alaska women confirmed to the federal bench. Both have substantial records of service in the Alaska Court System and have been active in the life of our Alaska community,” Sen. Murkowski said.  “The President could not have nominated two people more qualified to serve on the federal bench. I am hopeful that the Senate will proceed to a final confirmation vote expeditiously.”

“I’m pleased but not surprised that Judge Christen and Judge Gleason were approved unanimously by the Senate Judiciary Committee for the important federal positions for which President Obama has nominated them,” Sen. Begich said. “Both are among the smartest and most compassionate members of Alaska’s judicial system, which is why I recommended them to the President.  I look forward to their appointments moving swiftly to the full Senate for confirmation so they can continue serving their state and country with distinction.”

Justice Christen was nominated to the Ninth Circuit, US Court of Appeals, filling a vacancy that arose when Judge Andrew J. Kleinfeld of Fairbanks accepted the role of Senior Judge on the Ninth Circuit. Judge Gleason was nominated to serve as a US District Court Judge for the District of Alaska, filling a vacancy that arose when Judge John Sedwick accepted the role of Senior Judge on the District Court.

