
Murkowski at Economic Town Hall: “This is the Fight We Fight Every Day As Alaskans”

Highlights, Complete Footage of Murkowski Town Halls Now Online

WASHINGTON D.C. – Just a week after holding economic town halls in three Alaskan communities, Senator Lisa Murkowski today released video from her presentations to make the information more accessible to all Alaskans to hear her thoughts about getting the nation on a stable financial path.“I was happy to speak with so many Alaskans last week and share the DC situation with them,” said Murkowski.  “But I realize that I was only able to talk with a fraction of the state’s residents about a situation that affects us all, so I wanted to go online to get the information out further.” 

At Senator Murkowski’s website, there is now a “highlight” reel of moments from the town halls, in addition to her complete Fairbanks presentation. 

Calling the discussions in Washington essential to Alaska’s future, Senator Lisa Murkowski held the economic town halls in Anchorage, Palmer and Fairbanks last week to lay out the debt and deficit problem and hear Alaskans’ concerns and solutions.
