
Murkowski Announces New Staff and Healthcare Team

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) today announced the addition of Amber Ebarb, joining Murkowski’s Washington, DC office as the new Legislative Assistant for Alaska Native, Rural, and Indian Affairs. In addition, Murkowski announced the establishment of her new healthcare team, new staff member Angela Ramponi and current staff member Annie Dietderich. Ramponi and Dietderich will cover the healthcare portfolio as Legislative Aides. Kennita Williams is joining Senator Murkowski’s Fairbanks office as a Regional Staff Assistant, and will work with Trina Bailey, who continues to serve as the Fairbanks Regional Special Assistant. 

“As I continue my efforts to support all Alaskans across the state—including Alaska’s tribal and rural communities—and to improve healthcare statewide, I’m proud to have these hard-working women on my staff. As the Fairbanks community is one of the largest in Alaska, and with a strong military presence, Kennita will be a wonderful addition and great asset to serving Alaskans in the Fairbanks area,” said Senator Murkowski. “Amber joins the office with a long history of serving Alaska Natives in public policy—she understands the unique needs we have in Alaska, and I am confident that she will work hard to help us meet them. Angela has a solid background in public health and policy, a strong work ethic and has already hit the ground running. Angela joins the healthcare team with Annie, who during her tenure in my office has shown tremendous passion and commitment for public service and has worked hard on each issue area she’s represented. I’m looking forward to seeing the ways this newly established healthcare team will serve our state.”

Amber Ebarb was born and raised in Anchorage, Alaska and is Tlingit (L'eeneidí clan). She has worked for the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) for over 15 years, most recently serving as the NCAI Budget and Policy Analyst. Ebarb received her B.A. in Psychology from Whitman College and her Masters of Public Policy from George Washington University.

Angela Ramponi hails from Soldotna and previously acted as the Legislative Liaison and Policy Analyst for the Alaska Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development in Juneau. She graduated Magna Cum Laude from Brown University with a B.A. Public Health and Biology.

Anna (Annie) Dietderich was born in Anchorage, and previously served as a Staff Assistant in Senator Murkowski’s office, most recently serving as a Legislative Correspondent. Anna graduated from St. Lawrence University with a B.A. in Government and Rhetoric Communication.

Kennita Williams, currently living in North Pole, came to Alaska with her family in 2014 when her husband was stationed at Eielson Air Force Base. She was the Discharge Specialist and Victim Liaison for the Eielson Air Force Base legal office from 2014 until joining Murkowski’s office. Kennita brings over twenty years of experience in the administrative and human resources field and, in 2017, was awarded the Eielson Air Force Base Spouse of the Year and Base Civilian Volunteer of the Year award.