
Murkowski Announces More Defense Stimulus Spending for Alaska

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, announced Saturday that the Department of Defense plans to spend at least $197.4 million in stimulus funds on projects in Alaska.
Murkowski announced Friday that Alaska will receive $71.4 million in new military construction funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, also known as the economic stimulus law. But a Murkowski staff analysis today of 3,000 facility repair and improvement projects designated for stimulus funding reveals an additional $126 million, bringing military spending in Alaska under the stimulus law to $197.4 million. Alaska could receive even more defense stimulus money down the line.
The spending announced Saturday totals $126 million in facilities sustainment, restoration and modernization projects on Alaska military bases. The list includes 151 separate projects at 16 installations in 13 Alaska communities. These projects range in estimated dollar value from $5,000 to fill hydraulic lift bays at Fort Greely to $16.3 million to repair the airfield pavement at Eareckson Air Force Station on Shemya in the Aleutian Chain.
The Interior will see an estimated $55.2 million for 80 projects at Clear Air Force Station, Eielson Air Force Base, Fort Greely, Fort Wainwright and the Fairbanks Army National Guard Armory.
The military plans to spend $50.7million on 60 projects on Elmendorf Air Force Base and Fort Richardson in Anchorage, including $4.7 million to improve the Marine Corps Reserve facility on Elmendorf.
 The facilities sustainment, restoration and modernization funds will be spread across the State of Alaska with approximately $19.5 million spent in rural Alaska.  The Air Force expects to spend more than $1 million to repair steam and condensate lines at King Salmon Airport and about $1.2 million on improvements to the Indian Mountain Long Range Radar Site near Hughes and the Point Barrow Long Range Radar Site. The Alaska Army National Guard will receive about $2.7 million to upgrade facilities in Anchorage, Bethel, Fairbanks, Kenai, Kotzebue and Nome.
“None of the $126 million in base improvement projects funded by the stimulus package were earmarked,” Murkowski said. “This significant new investment in Alaska reflects the priorities of the Defense Department and goes to prove once again that Alaska is one of the most strategic places in the world from a military perspective.”
Senator Murkowski serves on the Military Construction Subcommittee of the Senate Appropriations Committee.
The complete list of Alaska projects can be found on the Internet at www.defenselink.mil/recovery.