
Murkowski Announces Deputy Chief of Staff

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Sen. Lisa Murkowski today announced longtime Alaskan Jim Palmer as her Deputy Chief of Staff.  This enhanced policy role to her Alaskan staff reflects a desire to better serve Alaska through an increased state presence.  Palmer, a veteran of statewide and DC politics, will direct operations from Senator Murkowski’s Anchorage office and will be making additional hires to further expand service to Alaskans.

“Jim Palmer brings a commitment to service along with a sense of integrity that I and other Alaskans greatly respect, and I’m thrilled to have him on the team,” said Murkowski. “After working in Alaska and Washington, DC, his knowledge base makes him the ideal fit for our Alaska operations. His successful career in the business and development community will help us broaden Alaska’s economic opportunities.”

Palmer’s career in the public sector spans work in Juneau, with the Municipality of Anchorage, and in Washington, DC.  In the private sector, he worked for BP Exploration as a government affairs director and political advisor.  He has served on numerous gubernatorial transitions, was appointed to both the Arctic Research Commission and the Alaska Education task force. In 2003, he was named the William Egan Alaskan of the year.

Palmer received his B.A. from St. John Fisher College and his M.A. from Georgetown University. 

