
Murkowski Announces $16.8 Million in Funding for Alaska Projects in Appropriations Bill for Health, Education and Labor Departments

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Nearly $17 million in projects for Alaska has been included in a $163.1 billion Fiscal Year 2010 appropriations bill that cleared the Senate Appropriations Labor, Health and Human Services and Education Subcommittee today, announced U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee. The bill is scheduled for a vote by the full appropriations panel Thursday before moving to the Senate floor for consideration.
Funding for the Denali Commission captured the largest portion of the $16,758,000 in Alaska projects, at $10 million. The money will go to support health projects and economic development activities under the jurisdiction of the Denali Commission.
“This bill will provide critical resources for a variety of education and health care projects across Alaska, including money for vocational training and training for dental health care workers,” Murkowski said.
The bill also provides funding for the following Alaska items:
  • Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, Anchorage -- $2 million for training dental health care workers.
  • Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, Anchorage -- $1 million for facilities and equipment.
  • City of Ketchikan -- $1 million for facilities and equipment at Ketchikan General Hospital.
  • Yukon-Kuskokwim Health Consortium, Bethel -- $1 million for facilities and equipment.
  • Avant-Garde Learning Foundation, Anchorage -- $500,000 for education activities.
  •  Maniilaq Association, Kotzebue -- $500,000 for facilities and equipment.
  • Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska, Juneau -- $308,000 to expand vocational training including distance learning.
  •  Anchorage Project Access -- $125,000 for a program in which doctors donate their services to those most in financial need.
  • City of Anchorage -- $125,000 for facilities and equipment relating to public health.
  •  United Way of Anchorage -- $100,000 to continue the Alaska 211 phone number that connects individuals with health and human resources 24 hours a day.
  •  Big Brothers Big Sisters of Alaska, Anchorage -- $100,000 for a mentoring demonstration project.

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