
Murkowski and Schatz Lead Bipartisan Congressional Delegation to Iceland

U.S. Senators Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), Brian Schatz (D-Hawai‘i), Michael Bennet (D-Colo.), and Tina Smith (D-Minn.) landed early this morning in Iceland for a congressional delegation mission. In upcoming meetings with Icelandic policy makers, the delegation plans to emphasize the importance of maintaining and strengthening U.S.-Iceland ties and the NATO Alliance. The delegation will also address global issues of mutual interest and concern, including energy security, Arctic priorities, and more.

“Iceland is one of America’s strongest partners in the Arctic, and it’s always invigorating to sit down face to face to discuss our common challenges,” said Senator Murkowski. “I’ve had the opportunity to visit Iceland many times over the years and I’m pleased to introduce several of my colleagues to this amazing country as we work to further our Arctic partnership. Iceland and the U.S. have opportunities to strengthen our ties, and work together on energy innovation, ocean sciences, and sustainable fisheries.”

“This mission will give us an opportunity to hear directly from our friends in Iceland about their work to fight climate change and the economic opportunities clean energy presents,” said Senator Schatz. “As a fellow founding member of NATO, we look forward to discussing ways to strengthen the important bilateral economic and security ties our two countries share.”

The congressional delegation will spend four days on the ground in Iceland.