
Murkowski: “America Stands Resilient, Vigilant and Strong”

Senator Murkowski Speaks to Alaskans on the 10 Year Anniversary of 9/11

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Lisa Murkowski shared her thoughts with Alaskans on the 10-year anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001:

“Ten years ago, nearly 3,000 men and women lost their lives in New York City, at the Pentagon and in a quiet country field in Pennsylvania – simply for being Americans doing what we do: going to work, traveling to see relatives, or protecting our country and its citizens.

“And while it happened a distance away from our state, it hit home for all of us as proud Americans.

“Ten years later, we should all remember in our hearts the lives we lost that day, appreciate the fact we have not seen another such attack in the years since, and steel ourselves that our great nation is still a target for many who wish to do us serious harm.

“The terrorists believed they would rip America apart, but instead we lived up to the words of our country’s early motto – and from many, millions of us, we became one.  Helping each other get back up and rebuild ourselves from the ground up.

“The towers fell, but America stands resilient, vigilant and strong.”
