
Murkowski: Admin.’s Coal Plan is Manifestation of a Misguided ‘Keep-it-in-the-Ground’ Policy

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today issued the following statement after the Department of the Interior announced an immediate halt to new coal leasing on federal lands:

“If there were any lingering questions about whether the Obama administration is intent on decimating America’s coal industry, this should answer them. An indefinite moratorium on domestic coal leasing is neither necessary at this time nor the best way to ensure that taxpayers receive a fair return on resource production,” Murkowski said. “This announcement is the manifestation of a misguided ‘keep-it-in-the-ground’ policy that will harm local economies and threaten future energy supplies – while doing little to promote innovation or transparency.”

Murkowski is chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee.