
Grant Roundup: Senator Murkowski Announces Federal Grants to Alaska

Over $977 million in federal funds to benefit and strengthen Alaska’s communities and economy

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), the senior Senator for Alaska, announced the following grants to organizations, Tribal entities, and communities in Alaska:

  • Anchorage: Up to $400,000 in Phase II funding for PKS Consulting, Inc. from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for a mobile plastic ocean waste recycler that produces recycled plastic lumber products from locally collected plastic ocean waste.
  • Anchorage: $20,000 for Alaska Design Forum from the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Grants for Arts Projects.
  • Anchorage: $30,000 for the Anchorage Concert Association from the NEA Grants for Arts Projects.
  • Anchorage: $70,000 for the Anchorage Museum Association from the NEA Grants for Arts Projects.
  • Anchorage: $15,000 for the Anchorage Opera Company from the NEA Grants for Arts Projects.
  • Anchorage: $441,796 to the University of Alaska Anchorage from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for the Cancer Treatment Research project, “Enhancing Tumor Antigen Presentation with Complement Targeted Nanoparticles.”
  • Anchorage: $750,000 to Cook Inlet Housing Authoirty from the 2021 Affordable Housing Program awards for the Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) Des Moines for the Spenard East Phase II project.
  • Anchorage: $750,000 to the Cook Inlet Housing Authority from the 2021 Affordable Housing Program awards for the FHLB Des Moines for the Tyonek Kenaitze Rehabilitation project.
  • Anchorage: $750,000 for Providence Health and Services from the 2021 Affordable Housing Program awards for the FHLB Des Moines for the Providence Alaska House project.
  • Anchorage: $382,750 to the University of Alaska Anchorage from the HHS for the Aging Research Project “A Health Education Program to Increase Hope and Improve Energy Balance Among Seniors in the Urban Subarctic.”
  • Atka: $1.03 million for the Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association from the Indian Community Development Block Grant Program to purchase a 3,850-square-foot modular facility, which will provide health care and serve as a temporary shelter for families impacted by COVID-19.
  • Atmautluak: $750,132 to the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium from the Indian Community Development Block Grant Program for the Village of Atmautluak to construct one four-bedroom home, which will help alleviate the housing shortage.
  • Brevig Mission: $1 million to the Native Village of Brevig Mission from the Indian Community Development Block Grant Program to construct four homes, which will help alleviate the housing shortage.
  • Craig: $45,172 for the Craig Tribal Association from the FTA Tribal Transit Program Grants to purchase and install bus shelters.
  • Craig: $25,000 for the Craig Tribal Association to develop a public transit expansion plan.
  • Denali Park: $25 million to the Denali National Park from Department of the Interior to expedite a solution for Denali Park Road access.
  • Diomede: $1 million to the Native Village of Diomede from the Indian Community Development Block Grant Program to construct four homes, which will help alleviate the housing shortage.
  • Douglas: $30,000 for the Perseverance Theatre from the NEA Grants for Arts Projects.
  • Fairbanks: $1 million for the Cold Climate Housing and Research Center from the Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes (OLHCHH) Healthy Homes Production Grant Program.
  • Fairbanks: $94,665 to the University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled “Planning: Glaciers to Gulf Meeting.”
  • Gakona: $1 million to the Native Village of Gakona from the Indian Community Development Block Grant Program to construct a childcare facility to provide essential child care to working families.
  • Galena: $1 million to the Louden Tribal Council from the Indian Community Development Block Grant Program to repair the sewer system, which will help improve the health and safety of residents.
  • Gulkana: $1 million to Gulkana Village from the Indian Community Development Block Grant Program to construct a two-bedroom triplex and a two-bedroom duplex, which will help alleviate the housing shortage.
  • Huslia: $114,150 for the Huslia Village from the FTA Tribal Transit Program to purchase a new vehicle that meets Americans with Disabilities Act requirements.
  • Huslia: $983,702 to Huslia Village from the Indian Community Development Block Grant Program to install two water and sewer jumper lines, which will help improve water distribution and help avoid further erosion of the river bank.
  • Huslia: $107,139 for the Huslia Village from the FTA Tribal Transit Program for operating assistance to continue services for tribal members that live in the growing community of Huslia and nearby Birch Grove Subdivision.
  • Juneau: $10,000 for Juneau Jazz & Classics from the NEA Grants for Arts Projects.
  • Juneau: $2 million for the Tlingit Haida Regional Housing Authority from the Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes (OLHCHH) Healthy Homes Production Grant Program.
  • Juneau: $750,000 to Tlingit Haida Regional Housing Authority from the 2021 Affordable Housing Program awards for the FHLB Des Moines for the 2021 Homeownership Housing Rehabilitation project.
  • Juneau: $1.99 million for the Alaska Heat Smart from the Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes.
  • Kenai: $28 million for the Kenai Bluff Bank Stabilization Project as a result of the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.
  • Kenai: $1.17 million for the Kenaitze Indian Tribe from the FTA Tribal Transit Program funding to pilot a fixed-route service for its tribal members across Alaska's central Kenai Peninsula.
  • King Island: $1 million to the King Island Native Community from the Indian Community Development Block Grant Program to construct four homes, which will help alleviate the housing shortage.
  • Kivalina: $494,420 to the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium from the Indian Community Development Block Grant Program for the Village of Kivalina to purchase equipment, which will improve access to treated, potable water.
  • Klawock: $25,000 for the Klawock Cooperative Association from the FTA Tribal Transit Program to develop a transit plan.
  • Kotzebue: $84,600 for the Maniilaq Association from the Department of Agriculture Rural Development Program to improve solid waste management scores by five percent through routine technical assistance, solid waste assessments, and community meetings.
  • Marshall: $1 million to the Native Village of Marshall Gakona from the Indian Community Development Block Grant Program to construct three small homes, which will help alleviate the housing shortage, and renovate two buildings, which will provide temporary shelter for families impacted by COVID-19.
  • Mountain Village: $176,600 for the Asa'carsarmiut Tribe from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Tribal Transit Program Grants to continue operations and purchase vehicles.
  • Napaimute: $838,180 to the Native Village of Napaimute from the Indian Community Development Block Grant Program to construct a tiny home, which will help alleviate the housing shortage, and to purchase necessary equipment to support housing and community infrastructure projects.
  • Nome: $250 million for the Port of Nome as a result of the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.
  • Nome: $1.91 million to the Kawerak from the HHS Administration for Children and Families/Office of Head Start.
  • Nome: $1 million to the Nome Eskimo Community from the Indian Community Development Block Grant Program to finance the construction of two homes, which will help alleviate the housing shortage.
  • North Pole: $88 million for the Moose Creek Dam Project as a result of the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.
  • Petersburg: $12,500 for the Petersburg Indian Association from the FTA Tribal Transit Program to develop a transit plan.
  • Prince of Wales Island: $500,000 for the Southeast Conference from the Department of Agriculture to design a mariculture processing facility.
  • Rampart: $1 million to the Rampart Village Council from the Indian Community Development Block Grant Program to construct three single-family homes, which will help alleviate the housing shortage.
  • Savoonga: $1 million to the Native Village of Savoonga from the Indian Community Development Block Grant Program to construct four homes, which will help alleviate the housing shortage.
  • Seldovia: $961,177 for the Seldovia Village Tribe from the FTA Tribal Transit Program to construct a replacement ferry dock for the Seldovia Bay Ferry.
  • Seward: $185 million for the Lowell Creek flood diversion project as a result of the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.
  • Sitka: $30,000 for Alaska Arts Southeast (also known as the Sitka Fine Arts Camp) from the NEA Grants for Arts Projects.
  • Sitka: $10,000 for Sitka Music Festival from the NEA Grants for Arts Projects.
  • Sitka: $1 million to the Sitka Tribe of Alaska from the Indian Community Development Block Grant Program to construct a multifamily housing project with four housing units, which will help alleviate the housing shortage.
  • St. Mary’s: $1 million to the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium from the Indian Community Development Block Grant Program for Yupik and City of St. Mary's to upgrade the pumphouse, which will help improve access to clean water and sanitation services.
  • St. Michael: $1 million to the Native Village of St. Michael from the Indian Community Development Block Grant Program to help finance the construction of twenty-six tiny homes, which will help alleviate the housing shortage.
  • Tanana: $1 million to the Native Village of Tanana from the Indian Community Development Block Grant Program to ) to rehabilitate an old hotel, which will provide temporary shelter for families impacted by COVID-19.
  • Tuluksak: $725,053 to the Native Village of Tuluksak from the Indian Community Development Block Grant Program to construct and repair the water and sewer infrastructure.
  • Wasilla: $750,000 to the Knik Tribe Authority from the 2021 Affordable Housing Program awards for the FHLB Des Moines for the Knik Homes #1 project.
  • Wasilla: $750,000 to the Wasilla Area Seniors Authority from the 2021 Affordable Housing Program awards for the FHLB Des Moines for the Willow House II project.
  • Wasilla: $720,000 for Valley Residential Services from the 2021 Affordable Housing Program awards for the FHLB Des Moines for the Bridgeway Community Housing II project.
  • White Mountain: $1 million to the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium from the Indian Community Development Block Grant Program for White Mountain to improve sanitation services.
  • Utqiagvik (Barrow): $364 million to the Barrow Alaska Coastal Erosion project from the Army Civil Works Program Disaster Supplemental Appropriations Act.