
Delegation Celebrates Milestone for Alaska LNG

U.S. Sens. Lisa Murkowski, Dan Sullivan, and Rep. Don Young, all R-Alaska, today released the following statements after the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) published the final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Alaska LNG Project.

“This is a key step forward for Alaska LNG and a significant milestone for the project,” said Senator Murkowski. “This final EIS is the culmination of years of research, analysis, and public process. I thank all of the staff at FERC who worked diligently to complete this extensive review on schedule. It is one of the most comprehensive federal environmental reviews ever completed.”

“Bringing clean burning Alaska LNG to markets across the world would be a huge win for Alaska but also for our country,” said Senator Sullivan. “Producing more energy responsibly — oil, natural gas, renewables — using the highest environmental standards in the world strengthens our economy, is good for the environment, and dramatically increases our country’s national security. This EIS brings us closer to making this project a reality. I thank FERC for their diligence in completing this work on schedule, and thank all of the Alaskans who, throughout the years, have worked to move this project forward.”

“The Alaska LNG Project represents a great opportunity for our state's energy infrastructure," said Congressman Young. “Alaskans are strong environmental stewards who can balance both environmental protection and economic growth. I am pleased by the completion of this incredibly comprehensive EIS, and want to thank FERC for working hard not only to engage the public, but for completing the EIS on schedule. I will continue to promote responsible energy development in our state, and I look forward to seeing the Alaska LNG Project move forward.”

The Alaska LNG Project is an integrated pipeline project that includes a treatment facility on the North Slope of Alaska, an 800-mile long pipeline, multiple offtake points for natural gas for in-state residential and commercial use, and a liquefaction facility at tidewater. It is the nation’s largest energy infrastructure project in planning and permitting.

Related Issues: Energy