
Carbon Capture and Our Energy Future

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today said that advancing carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) technology is an important element of our clean energy future.
“Coal is our most affordable and abundant domestic energy resource,” Murkowski said. “We currently rely on coal to generate more than half of our electricity and it will continue to be a valuable resource for the country.”
“It’s imperative that we find a way to continue to use our vast coal reserves in a manner that is both economical and leads to a reduction in our greenhouse gas emissions,” she said. 
Murkowski notes that while she supports CCS technology, many questions remain as to how it can be most effectively and responsibly advanced.
“The Department of Energy already has $4.1 billion for CCS research and deployment,” Murkowski said.  “The bill before us would allow the Secretary of Energy to take ownership of, and assume potential liability for, carbon dioxide injection as part of DOE sequestration demonstration projects.”
The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee held a hearing today centered on legislation (S.1013) recently introduced by Chairman Jeff Bingaman, D-N.M.
Murkowski has questions related to the precedent for such a policy, the potential for the participation of states and the financial risk associated with liability payments that may result.