
Alaska LNG Project Secures Final Authorization to Export Natural Gas

U.S. Sens. Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan and Rep. Don Young, all R-Alaska, today released the following statements after the Department of Energy (DOE) issued a final, unconditional order authorizing the Alaska LNG project to export liquefied natural gas (LNG). Murkowski participated in a video teleconference with DOE Deputy Secretary Mark Menezes, DOE Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy Steve Winberg, and Alaska Gasline Development Corporation (AGDC) President Frank Richards to make the announcement earlier today.

“A final export license from DOE is an important asset for Alaska LNG,” said Murkowski. “After the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission approved the project earlier this year, all the pieces of the federal permitting puzzle are coming into place. The project should soon have all of the major federal authorizations it needs to ship LNG overseas. Even when markets are unstable and times are tough, permitting progress on what could be one of the largest projects in the world is encouraging. I thank the Department of Energy team and congratulate AGDC on this important step in their efforts to commercialize Alaska’s North Slope natural gas.” 

“This is another milestone for the Alaska LNG project that offers great potential for the long-term economic future of our state,” said Sullivan. “We are also one step closer to unleashing North Slope natural gas—for the benefit of all Alaskans, our nation’s energy security, and that of our critical allies in the Asia-Pacific. I thank Secretary Brouillette and Deputy Secretary Menezes for their diligent work that has led us to this approval.”

“Alaska’s LNG represents significant potential for our state’s economy,” said Young. “Pursuing new energy sources requires a clear assessment of the safety of any project, both for the environment and for our communities. Today’s authorization by the DOE is a critical step toward responsibly exporting LNG to help power America and to provide good-paying jobs right here in Alaska. I want to thank Secretary Dan Brouillette and the Administration for their attention to this important Alaskan resource, and I look forward to seeing Alaska lead the way in LNG development and export.”

“I am proud to sign this export authorization that allows a path for the otherwise stranded gas resources on the North Slope of Alaska to be made available both to the people of Alaska and to the export market,” said Deputy Secretary Menezes. “Major infrastructure investments like the Alaska LNG Project will bring long-term benefits to Alaskans, the United States, and to importing nations.” 

The Alaska LNG Project is an integrated pipeline project that includes a treatment facility on the North Slope, an 800-mile long pipeline, multiple offtake points for in-state residential and commercial natural gas use, and a liquefaction facility at tidewater. It is the nation’s largest energy infrastructure project in planning and permitting. All federal reviews and authorizations for the project are expected to be completed by the end of 2020.

The Alaska LNG project received a conditional order authorizing LNG exports in May 2015, subject to completion of review and authorization from FERC. FERC released a final order and authorization for Alaska LNG in May 2020, satisfying the condition in the prior DOE order. DOE’s final order is available here.


Related Issues: Energy