
Alaska Delegation Urges Alaskans to Participate in the Census

New Census Data Shows Low Alaska Participation

As the deadline to participate in the 2020 Census rapidly approaches, U.S. Senators Lisa Murkowski, Dan Sullivan, and Congressman Don Young, all (R-AK), are calling on Alaskans to do their part and participate. New data released by the Census Bureau shows Alaska’s self-response rate remains ranked among the lowest in the nation, with only Puerto Rico at a lower self-response rate than Alaska. The deadline to participate in the 2020 Census questionnaire is September 30, 2020.

“While we’ve all pushed for an extension of the 2020 Census deadline, the reality is we must operate with the understanding that this September deadline still stands. We cannot stress the importance of participating in the Census enough. What takes just ten minutes to complete, has impacts to our state that last for the next 10 years. The Census determines how much federal funding our local communities will receive for services like schools, roads, and other public services—each critical to Alaska’s livelihood. The Census is safe, secure, confidential, and your information and privacy are protected,” said the Alaska Congressional Delegation. “Our Alaska Census response numbers are low so please help us ensure the Census Bureau has a full and accurate 2020 Census. We have less than one month to make sure Alaska counts.”

Alaskans who have not yet participated in the 2020 Census can complete the questionnaire online, by phone, or by mail when your invitation to respond arrives. Visit my2020census.gov for more information or to begin filling out the form.


U.S. Senators Murkowski and Sullivan joined a bipartisan group of senators last month calling on House and Senate leadership to extend the statutory deadlines for the delivery of apportionment data and redistricting files following the 2020 Census.

Also in August, Congressman Don Young sent a letter to Census Bureau Director Dr. Steven Dillingham, urging him to reverse plans to move up the field data collection deadline to September 30 from its original date of October 31.

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