
Alaska Delegation: Take Care of Our Alaska Workers

The Alaska Congressional Delegation is calling on the U.S. Army’s top officials to make sure workers impacted by a recent announcement to reduce civilian personal numbers at Army bases are treated in a manner which recognizes their dedication in support of our troops. The Army has announced it would decrease the total civilian workforce nationwide by 8,741, to include 78 positions in Alaska, to achieve efficiency and cost savings directed by former Secretary Robert Gates.

The Alaska Delegation stressed the Army should use voluntary separation incentives and early retirement incentives to achieve the reduction. They also urged the Army to transfer employees from billets that are no longer authorized to positions that need filled so they can maintain employment with the Army.

The delegation also cited concern for the affected civilians who may be spouses of deployed Alaska-based troops.

“Our troops and spouses worrying about job loss on top of deployment creates additional and unnecessary stress for our military families.”

Further, the delegation requested the Army implement the reduction transparently and future discussions on reductions be conducted openly with the employees. A failure to provide transparency and stability makes it more difficult for Alaska’s military facilities to maintain a healthy work environment necessary to recruit and retain qualified professionals.

The letter is attached to this email.
