
Alaska Congressional Delegation Applauds Land Transfer for Being Signed into Law

U.S. Senators Lisa Murkowski, Dan Sullivan, and Rep. Don Young (all R-AK) today commended President Trump for signing S. 825, the Southeast Alaska Regional Health Consortium land Transfer Act, into law. This legislation transfers to Southeast Alaska Regional Health Consortium (SEARHC) a parcel of federal land in Sitka, Alaska, allowing the organization to further improve health care services for the region.

“I’m encouraged to know that this legislation will allow SEARHC to renovate one of the oldest and largest Native run hospitals in our country and to ensure access to more advanced healthcare opportunities,” said Senator Murkowski. “I thank my colleagues for supporting this bill to allow SEARHC to plan for the future and to continue to provide quality care for Southeast Alaska”

 “I thank President Trump for signing this legislation into law and helping us continue to transfer federal lands in Alaska for good use,” said Senator Sullivan. “SEARHC provides vital medical services to Sitka, and our remote and rural communities in Southeast Alaska. This legislation will allow them to renovate and improve Mt. Edgecumbe Hospital, and expand critical healthcare critical services to the people of the region.”

 “This federal land transfer is critical to SEARHC and I applaud President Trump for signing this legislation into law,” said Congressman Young. “The services that the Consortium provides are truly pivotal for communities across Southeast Alaska. With these updates to Mt. Edgecumbe Hospital in Sitka, patients will have improved access to the high quality of care already delivered. I appreciate the support of Congress and this Administration to help this deserving community.”

 “The SEARHC Board of Directors and I, along with our Executive Leadership Team and staff throughout Southeast Alaska are grateful to our Alaska representatives in Washington. Senator Lisa Murkowski, Senator Dan Sullivan, and Congressman Don Young have shown unwavering support, tremendous leadership, and hard work in getting this bill passed,” said SEARHC President & CEO Charles Clement.


  • In April 2017, Senator Murkowski introduced S.825; Senator Sullivan was an original cosponsor of the legislation.
  • In April 2017, Representative Young introduced companion legislation, H.R. 1901.

Related Issues: Health