
Alaska Applauds Air Force Decision to Base Additional F-22 Jets at JBER

Air Force to Redistribute 95th Fighter Squadron’s F-22 Aircraft

U.S. Senators Lisa Murkowski, Dan Sullivan, and Congressman Don Young, all R-Alaska, today applauded the Air Force for its plan to permanently station six additional F-22s, previously based at Tyndall AFB, Florida, at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson. The plan is expected to become final following completion of environmental review.

“We have long advocated for our military in Alaska, including the importance of our strategic geographic location for protecting our nation and responding to global threats. This decision is further proof of Alaska’s strategic location for the projection of airpower in the Pacific,” said the Delegation. “These additional F-22s, along with the training opportunities at Joint Pacific Alaska Range Complex, and the future arrival of F-35’s at Eielson, gives our military incredible capabilities to face emerging threats. It is imperative that we have the most capable assets available in the region and we applaud the Air Force in its decision to bolster airpower in Alaska.”

Background: In December of 2018 Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson received six additional F-22s from Tyndall Air Force Base’s 95th Fighter Squadron, as part of the immediate post-Hurricane Michael temporary plan. The Air Force proposed to make that decision permanent. Tyndall AFB will be an F-35 operational location when repairs are completed.

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