
AK Delegation Applauds Major Missile Defense Increase in Trump Administration’s Budget Request

The Alaska Congressional delegation today applauded the Trump administration’s FY18 budget amendment for the Department of Defense, which requests $4 billion for missile defeat and defense upgrades to counter increasing threat from North Korea. This action includes $2.1 billion for missile defense, including $200 million in military construction for a new missile field at Fort Greely, AK, and 20 missile interceptors required to operationalize the field.

“For the past year, I have been sounding the alarm for more missile defense. Today, I commend the Trump administration for prioritizing this essential capability with a much needed increase of $4 billion,” said Senator Sullivan. “Many of these important investments in the Administration’s request, which I called for in my bill, the Advancing America’s Missile Defense Act, will help ensure that we outpace the rapidly growing threat from North Korea.  Going forward, I will continue to reach across the aisle to ensure that these critical investments are funded, and so that American cities are well protected.”

“The administration is to be commended for their rapid response to the heightened threat posed by North Korea and I especially thank Senator Sullivan for his leadership on this issue, said Senator Murkowski. “As a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee I will do all that I can to ensure that the President’s defense request is fully funded. The suggestion that additional missile defense capacity can be built at Fort Greely has been around for some time. But rather than analyze, assess and debate while North Korea builds, this administration is moving forward with determination. Today’s announcement is a vote of confidence for missile defense, for the soldiers and airmen that defend us and for Alaska’s strategic role in protecting our freedoms.”

“Alaska has long been, and continues to be, at the forefront of our national security operations. With numerous elements that support the safety of our nation, there is little question the value we place in the assets and missions housed in Alaska,” said Congressman Young. “ It’s been nearly 20 years since the passage of the ‘All-American Resolution,’ language I spearheaded in the late 90’s that was critical to bringing the Ballistic Missile Defense System to Fort Greely. With emerging threats across the globe, particularly the reckless and irrational behavior of the North Korean regime, now is the time to make robust investments in our Alaska-based missile defense capabilities. I welcome this request by the Trump Administration, one that builds upon a unified effort in Congress and underscores the importance of systems that serve as a vital deterrent to North Korea and as a frontline defense against weapons of mass destruction.”

Click here for President Trump’s request to Congress for the Department of Defense.

Related Issues: Defense