
Senators Commend US Attorney Nominee Bryan Schroder

U.S. Senators Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan (both R-AK) issued the following statements after the White House announced President Trump’s intent to nominate Bryan Schroder to serve as United States Attorney for Alaska:

“Bryan Schroder has devoted his career to public service, first as a Coast Guard line officer, then as a Coast Guard JAG. Upon retirement from the Coast Guard, with the rank of Captain, he chose to join the Alaska US Attorney’s Office, rather than enter the private sector,” said Senator Lisa Murkowski. “Bryan is an outstanding lawyer and federal prosecutor, well respected by the bench and bar. He is exceptionally well qualified and a great choice for US Attorney.

"Bryan is talented attorney who is well prepared to handle the responsibilities of this position," Senator Sullivan said. "He has a broad range of experience in the diverse issue areas that are critically important for the State of Alaska. His work as a Coast Guard officer as well as his many years spent on civil and criminal matters are what we need in a federal prosecutor. I congratulate him on his nomination and on the many years he has already spent serving our country."