Press Releases

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Murkowski Urges Senate Colleagues to Stop Cuts to Military Basic Allowance for Housing

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) spoke on the Senate floor today about an amendment she introduced to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which would halt a provision currently contained in the NDAA - called Section 604 - that makes cuts and sweeping changes to the Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) paid to active duty military families. Background on Senator Murkowski's amendment can be found by clicking here. Senator Murkowski began by explaining the impacts the changes to BAH wo… Continue Reading


Senator Murkowski’s Memorial Day Message

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) today offered the following statement in observance of Memorial Day: (Click image to watch video.) "This weekend is the unofficial start of summer-although in some parts of the state it already feels like we're there. But let us keep in mind what this weekend is really all about. "Memorial Day is a time to remember and reflect on the dedication of our fallen servicemembers, and truly what has been sacrificed for our country. Many left American soil to go f… Continue Reading


Murkowski Secures Major Investments for Military in Alaska

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) today announced a series of significant victories for Alaska in the Fiscal Year 2017 Defense and Homeland Security appropriations bills, which were unanimously approved this morning by the Senate Appropriations Committee. Through her position on the Appropriations Committee, including both the Defense and Homeland Security Subcommittees, Murkowski advocated for and secured full funding for a new Polar icebreaker, new investments in the Coast Guard that will inc… Continue Reading


Military Construction, VA, and Transportation Funding Bill Passes the Senate

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today the U.S. Senate passed H.R. 2577, the THUD/MILCON-VA Appropriations bill for Fiscal Year 2017, by a vote of 89-8. The bill contains numerous Alaska-specific provisions secured by U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), including $561 million to support crucial defense projects in the state. It also addresses critical healthcare issues in the Alaska VA, and includes support for transportation programs that provide vital services for many Alaskans. Military Construction: Mur… Continue Reading


Alaska Delegation Praises Missile Defense Agency Announcement for Pacific Spaceport Complex – Alaska

Today the Alaska Congressional Delegation welcomed the announcement by the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) that it is examining the Pacific Spaceport Complex in Kodiak as a potential site for missile defense flight testing for regional missile defense systems, such as the Theatre High Altitude Air Defense (THAAD) system. MDA today released a Notice of Intent for a Sole Source Contract for the Alaska Aerospace Corporation in Federal Business Opportunities, the federal government's online acquisition… Continue Reading


Murkowski Secures Military Construction Funding for Alaska

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies (MILCON-VA) approved the Fiscal Year 2017 appropriations bill, which contains several priorities U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski secured for Alaska. As a member of this subcommittee, Murkowski secured the full $561 million requested by the Pentagon to support crucial defense projects in Alaska. More than half of that funding is allocated to support the F-35 beddown at Eiel… Continue Reading


Murkowski Works to Fund Military Projects in Interior Alaska

Following Monday's announcement that Eielson Air Force Base will host two squadrons of F-35s arriving in 2020, the Senate Military Construction Appropriations Subcommittee took the first step towards considering the administration's request for $561 million in Fiscal Year 2017 to support crucial defense projects in Alaska. A little over half of that request is allocated to support the F-35 beddown. As a member of that subcommittee, Senator Murkowski questioned military officials on two budget r… Continue Reading


AK Delegation: Military Boost Coming to Alaska, F-35 Squadrons Officially to be Based at Eielson AFB

Today the Alaska Congressional Delegation praised the news that Eielson Air Force Base was selected as the new home for the U.S. Air Force's first F-35As in the Pacific Theatre. Construction is scheduled to begin in fiscal year 2017, with the arrival of the F-35s expected in 2020. The Record of Decision was signed this morning by the Air Force, finalizing plans to base the F-35A Joint Strike Fighter at Eielson, bringing 54 new aircraft and 2,765 additional residents to Interior Alaska. The two s… Continue Reading


AK Congressional Delegation Applauds Army Decision to Keep 4-25 Brigade Combat Team Intact

Alaska's Congressional Delegation today responded to the news that the U.S. Army has officially announced that it is delaying its decision to remove 2,600 soldiers from the 4-25 Infantry Brigade Combat Team (Airborne) stationed at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson. In July 2015, the U.S. Army announced the reduction at JBER as part of a larger force-structure reduction from 490,000 to 450,000 troops. Since that announcement, a unified Alaska Congressional Delegation has fought to retain the 4-25 a… Continue Reading

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