
Senator Murkowski - eNewsletter 09/25/09

Summer visits by Murkowski to Newtok and St. Paul

Over the summer work period, I was able to visit both Newtok and St. Paul for the first time.

In Newtok, I was greeted by community leader Stanley Tom, who guided me on a tour of the community. Stanley has been instrumental in focusing the attention of local, state and federal agencies on erosion issues in Newtok. Following our tour, I attended a community meeting at the school to discuss issues surrounding the relocation of Newtok and the schedule of relocation events over the next several summers. Also at our meeting, I was happy to answer questions on many issues being discussed in Washington as well as the federal budget and how these important issues will affect residents in rural Alaska. While my time in Newtok was brief, it was an extremely important visit.

Newtok Story
Sen. Murkowski greets members of the Newtok community at the town meeting.

On my visit to St. Paul, I was overwhelmed by the hospitality I received from the community. I especially appreciated the outstanding community dinner where I was able to visit with so many from the Pribilofs. I also visited with community and tribal leaders, toured the local medical facilities, visited with students and teachers at the school, toured the Coast Guard facility, inspected the TDX wind generators, met with the elders at the senior center and even drove the first all-electric 4-wheeler in Alaska. What a quiet ride!

Sen. Murkowski visits St. Paul clinic Staff
During her visit, Sen. Murkowski took a moment to thank the St. Paul clinic staff for their work.

Electric 4-wheeler 
Sen. Murkowski drives an all-electric 4-wheeler.

Summer Interns Complete Their Service

My second session of summer interns recently completed their internships, and I thank them for their service. This group of interns had the opportunity to experience a number of events first hand including meetings with members of the President's cabinet, press conferences, hearings and even a meeting at the White House.

To both groups of my summer interns, I thank you for all your hard work this summer and wish you all the very best in your future pursuits.

If you or a young Alaskan you know would like to be considered for an internship in my office, you can find more details on how to apply by visiting my website.
2009 Intern Group - Second Session
Sen. Murkowski's second group of summer interns pause for a picture overlooking the U.S. Capitol. With Sen. Murkowski are, from left, front row, Cameron Henton, Anchorage; Kyle Worl, Anchorage; Kalli Kline, Ketchikan; Sharon Merritt, Goodnews Bay; Anne Bartholomew, Juneau; Dana Betts, Copper Center and Melissa Falcone, Anchorage. Rear row, from left, Miles Reader, Nome; Sam Horton, Kodiak; Ealum Howe, Fairbanks; Luke Miller, Juneau; Parker Haymans, Anchorage; and Kyle Marston, Anchorage.

Congratulations to our Blue Ribbon schools in Glennallen, Kodiak and Wasilla

I want to extend my heartiest congratulations to the staff, students and parents of this year's Blue Ribbon Schools - Glennallen Elementary School, North Star Elementary School in Kodiak and Ron Larson Elementary School in Wasilla. These schools all deserve to be very proud of this accomplishment, which requires creativity, hard work, teamwork, dedication and perseverance.

Awarded by the U.S. Department of Education, The Blue Ribbon Schools Program honors public and private elementary, middle and high schools that are either academically superior or that demonstrate dramatic gains in student achievement to high levels.

For more information on the Blue Ribbon Schools award, please visit the Department of Education's website.

Places To Go, Alaskans to See

During the summer, I was able to visit much of the state and participate in a number of events with fellow Alaskans. As the Senate comes back to work and as we transition into fall, I wanted to share some of my photos from the road with you.

 Sen. Murkowski visits with some attendees at the Tanana Valley Fair
Sen. Murkowski visits with some fair goers at the Tanana Valley Fair prior to her town hall meeting on health care.

Palmer Fair World Record Cabbage
At the Palmer Fair, Sen. Murkowski posed next to one of the giant cabbages on display.

Kenai Classic 2009
In August, Sen. Murkowski participated again in the Kenai Junior Classic fishing event. This event is a great opportunity for kids to enjoy a day of fishing on one of the world's great rivers. This year's participants included kids from around Southcentral whose parents are deployed in the service of our country, local Boys and Girls Club members and kids whose parents may be receiving hospice care.

2009 Home Depot Tour
While in Wasilla recently, Sen. Murkowski stopped in at Home Depot to check on the local economy. The store associates provided Sen. Murkowski with her very own Home Depot apron for the occasion.

Sen. Murkowski and Gov. Parnell Peninsula Industry Appreciation Day
Along with (left) Governor Parnell and Kenai Peninsula Borough Mayor Dave Carey, Sen. Murkowski participated in the Kenai Peninsula Industry Appreciation Day to celebrate the industries that make Alaska's economy strong.

Murkowski Reopens Office to Serve Kenai Peninsula
Kenai Open House
Sen. Murkowski visits with constituents at her new office in Kenai.

Following my August 29 town hall meeting on health care and a visit to the Kenai Peninsula's Industry Appreciation Day, I hosted an Open House at my newly reopened Kenai District Office. Nearly 100 people stopped by to wish us well. The office will be open Monday through Thursday from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., and staff will serve as my casework liaison between federal government agencies and constituents on the Kenai Peninsula. The office is located at 805 Frontage Road, Suite 105 in Kenai.

Please stop by and visit with Michelle Blackwell, my representative on the Peninsula.

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